About Blog

Welcome to BCS Sri Lanka Section blog. Since 2016, we are been focused on producing newsletter for our members, and we were able to produce 11 volumes of intensive articles and chapter news. Now we have started this new initiative to start a blog for BCS SL section, with the intention of getting active interactive participation from our members. looking forward for your active participation in this new initiative.. Thank you. N Nirmalan Editor BCS SL Section

Friday, June 2, 2023

Digital Trust and IT Security


In this fast-paced journey of moving towards doing business online. Understanding the unavoidable circumstances, customers started to accept online business willingly, and some, by force (maybe since they got no other options), and this became a norm around the globe and the corporates started highlighting Digital Trust. Unfortunately, some feel Digital Trust mainly depends on IT security, is this true? 


Prompt Engineering


Prompt Engineering is spoken a lot these days. The interpretation of prompt engineering may seem as a current day topic to many, but what prompt engineering is all about?

Prompt engineering is a critical approach to software development that can help you create responsive and efficient applications. By optimizing performance, focusing on the user experience, and continuously improving your application, you can create an application that provides a seamless experience for your users. By following the best practices and using the tools and technologies available, you can implement prompt engineering in your software development projects and ensure the success of your applications.

To know more about prompt engineering (

Wednesday, July 13, 2022

Customer service and transforming digitally

Technology can give you many flexible ways to reach the customers. But customers should feel, that they are being reached.

This happens only when you reach/touch their hearts, with true service and commitment. Satisfaction in service is a feeling of the heart.

Digitalization or transforming digitally will not necessarily do this, (read more..)

Customer Service, Quality & Pricing

 How would you expect the service cost to go down, when the capabilities contributing to the service cost keep going up?

(the capabilities contributing are skilled resources, products and services used by the service provider from internally or externally and many other factors)

While product cost going up is justified, (

Customer Service & expectations

 Customer service desk is NOT a shield for corporate management to hide behind from customer concerns ..!

Customer concerns need to be resolved ASAP as committed, you cannot give excuses for violating SLAs or deficiency in quality of service! you should have taken care of possible risk that could have caused these issues.

Customer may not have a choice(

Vigilant and Contingency

Being vigilant and having contingency mindset do not mean negativity; it is a way of assuring positive results. (Read more..)

Garbage in garbage out..what does it mean...?

Garbage in garbage out is a term commonly used to state wrong input produces wrong output in the industry.


Actually garbage in garbage out is a term supposed to be used to state that THERE IS NO PROCESS, (read more..)

Digital Trust and IT Security

  In this fast-paced journey of moving towards doing business online . Understanding the unavoidable circumstances, customers started to acc...